Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Room-a with a View-a

Our home, fondly also known as the shoe box, is really quite small. There may be a bedroom, a bathroom, a hall, and a open plan sitting room cum dining-room cum kitchen cum second bedroom, but when all of these areas are not sound proofed it is hard to feel the distinction between them.

 Moving in day, our lovely landlords left us 2 chilled beers in the fridge to toast on the balcony!

Our first night in the apartment as it got dark we were beyond excited to see the city lights sparking up and a brand new vista appear. We originally thought the pizza slice sized section of lake Ontario that appears in our extreme right hand view was impressive but every day without fail since moving in, I find myself standing at the window staring at something new and surprising.

It might the building across from us going up in flames...

or an apocolyptic rainy day....

We don't get  a view of the sunset in the evening but just before the sun disappears it gives one last major explosion of light that illuminates the bulidings in our range of sight.It's almost teasing because you know there is a wonderful sunset happening beyond your vision and all you can see is it's reflection. But the glow off the buildings facing us relects again and gives our apartment a comforting rosy hue.

And then the red fades and it's night time in minutes...

Just remember...don't look down.....
The vertigo induced urge to jump can be pretty overwhelming


For a big city, the stars are quite visible from the balcony and with a full moon you feel like you are that bit closer to the sky!


The sun rises directly in front of us but to date I have yet to muster the where-with-all first thing in the morning to get out the camera and capture it,'s nice though. You'll just have to take my word for it!

On a sunny saturday afternoon the blue sky is like a slap in the face, you can't help wanting to get up and go outside!

This afternoon however, it is so misty you can't see beyond the balcony rail, and as a result no inclination to go outside!! I think a day of tea, toast and the newspaper is in order!

1 comment:

Glenomen said...

Talk about a room with a view Caoimhe.. A great set of photographs.. John