Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Plateful of Booze Helps the Skiing Go Down

Blue Mountain. It’s sounds like a summit in Lord of the Rings.

Ah boll*x turns out I can't copy the pics from facebook......
Didn't have the where-with-all to get my own photographic device so I guess I'll have to off-road her. 
Have to make do with my wild imagination and google images.

So just believe me...the photos are good and so was the trip.
If I had to commit to a visual representation of the group as a whole....
Wild horses......
Learning to Ski!

To begin it was a rough ole start to the day. A horrifically early 7.15am meeting time.
And I have nothing more to say about that experience other!

I was too tired to observe life as it unfolded but I believe we all met, and went to the car rental place and apparently rented cars, and apparently drove the 2 hours to Blue mountain and apparently we were there.
Bit like this fella...

Baby slopes-R-us, we were all a relatively rookie crew when it came to carving up the slopes. So we took it handy and tried out the beginner ones. Now I know children have gravity and fearlessness and stupidity on their side but still it's embarrassing when they go flying by you, but that's a dangerous impulse to give in to. Don't think just because they can do it you can too. You will be injured!

At ease with our adult inability we toiled up and down the 11 degree angled slope until ready to move on.

But we improved and had a total blast of the highest order! The rain stopped and was coming down in lovely flurries of thick snow flakes. The main prob I had was my rented ski jacket had soaked through and I was frozen so had to pack it in earlier than desired due to fear of frostbite!
I apologise in advance for this plainly disgusting image......but i couldn't resist.

I recommend (if you have a sick sense of humour) image googling 'frostbite', you will return your dinner within seconds. Yuck!!!

A hearty day's skiing done, we got busy with the other important part of the trip. Apres-Ski!!!!

There was an incident with a dinner plate, but unfortunately for legal reasons and in reference to my client I can say no more......

The restuarant led to the pub which led to the club which led back to the apartments which, would you believe, led to a few calls from security!...

Feeling bit lazy to be honest, I'm feeling pleasantly fuzzy from 2 glasses of wine and no dinner so the fight just isnt in me. When I get my hands on some photos from the trip, I'll try and revisit. :)
tune of the weekend!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


As P-day approaches, it sets my mind wandering back to home. Could you actually beat Dublin on a sunny Paddy's day. That fresh sunny cold. Probably the first day of the year you have dared go short sleeved. But you brave it anyway because sure it's Paddy's day and if that's not an excuse to be freezing for the sake of looking nice then I don't know what is! Plus if you bring a coat you are in the 95 percentile that it won't make it home with you.

If anything I would go as far as trying to avoid even a handbag. Keep your belongings minimal and store in pockets and reliable friends. Chances are you can kiss the majority of your things goodbye.

But having no bag holds it's own challenges if you are trying to carry secret booze around.... where do you stash the six pack....

A further quandary regularly encountered is sunglasses. You desperately want to bring them along for the walk, the beer garden, the photos, the practical aspect of shading your eyes and lest we forget the coolio factor. BUT if you like your glasses, you will lose them. And that's a fact, Paddy's day revelries and sunnies are not a good match.

The big day arrives- you wake up. You're feeling excited and it's because you know you are going have a long, and fun day!  Almost nervous because it's open to anything- you have a rough plan but who knows.  So many people to meet or randomly meet and so many places to try and be.

This is where the mammy's come in...a massive, full frontal fry up with everything from pudding to extra toast because this could be it, the one and only meal for the day. Many a mighty man has been saved by taking this small step early in the game.

Hydrated, fed and full of energy...your phone starts to ring. The Paddy's day telephonic dance has begun. It should be mentioned here that now is the time to ensure your phone batt is at full capacity. Many a well-laid plan have fallen to the wayside as a result of a dead phone on this important social event. So charge that bad boy up.

I think it would be a prudent move to prescript all your texts into templates, that way you only have to select name and send. It's all the same anyway...
What's your plans?
Who's going?
Where you heading?
Where are ye at now?
Are you getting booze for later?
Any parties?
What time you going?
Who you with?
Are you at the bar?
Will you order 4 pints?
'x' just got thrown out.
I'm queuing outside...
Where are you now?
I can't find ya?
Gone for food.
Can't hear ya, text me!
Do you have drink for after?
Can i bring a few mates?
mash mashksfgdsngdksgdslkgsdg..... Sorry sat on my phone, where u?
ashgsahflasifgslfd- sorry im mouldy drunk and no longer monitoring my mobile!

Morning...hows the head?

If the sun is shining the best move you could make is walk up the canal into town,

If you are well versed in Shenanigans you will have had the forethought to pack a few bottles of beer from the fridge at home for the walk in. This is the perfect opportunity to crack them open. But don't make a school boy error and forget the bottle opener. Dentists experience a major growth in sales from March 18th onwards...teeth are not for bottle tops.......

You may even feel a little overwhelmed by how pleasant Dub can be, day off work, sunshine, gang of friends, cold beer, family of swans...that's OK. Embrace it, take a seat on the grassy bank and watch one of your bowsie mates taunt and rile up a swan.

But don't get too comfortable...

you still need to wander along the already nostalgically pretty streets of Georgian houses en route to Pub number 1...

 and you slowly move from place to place, pint to pint, person to person until....
you have something that looks a little like this...